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Meddela mig när produkten går att beställa
Spelbiblioteket är helt enkelt vårt utbud av spel som man kan sitta och spela på plats, men som även går att hyra hem. Vi har ett brett sortiment med allt från barnspel till riktigt tungrodda strategispel, och allt däremellan. Många av spelen i vårt spelbibliotek hittar du även till försäljning i butiken.
Följande spel finns att låna i våra spelbibliotek:
I sank to my knees and grabbed the crossbow bolt that had pierced my shoulder. The pain was unbearable, and an unpleasant tingling sensation made me understand that their intention had been to sedate me all along. Like a wild animal hunted for sport. I panted heavily and stared helplessly into the darkness before me. Suddenly, a face with fine features, pointy ears and an almost amused expression regarded me up close.
“You cannot hide from us. The darkness favours our ears.”
The Dark Elf Ears are ear prosthetics designed for dressing up as dark elves, nocturnal fairies and other grimly graceful creatures. They have sharper outlines than the original Elven Ears, which gives a subtle yet noticeable contrast. They add the sleek and iconic pointy-eared feature of elven ears by adding four centimetres to the ear helix and are designed to fit an adult ear. For smaller ears, we instead recommend the Small Dark Elf Ears. The ears are sold in pairs and modelled to cover and form-fit over the outer ear, allowing plenty of surface area to glue the prosthetic to your ear securely. As the ears are individually moulded, slight variations and minor asymmetry between the prosthetic pieces are to be expected. We encourage you to carefully apply fine scissors to adjust the prosthetics for a unique fit to your ears. Finally, we recommend attaching and removing the ear prosthetics using our Mastix Spirit Gum and Mastix Spirit Gum Remover.
MAINTENANCE Remove prosthetics carefully and rinse off all glue, wax and make-up with Mastix Spirit Gum Remover and lukewarm water. Store dry in a dark and cool place.